openldap client GSSAPI authentication segfaults in fbsd8stablei386

Reko Turja reko.turja at
Fri Jul 16 09:43:26 UTC 2010

> This doesn't help.  The problem is that Cyrus imapd is completely
> freaking out, continually dying and re-forking itself, with my 
> kernel
> message buffer filling rapidly + all.log filling.  So, there is 
> further
> configuration of this daemon that's needed (meaning it does not work
> "straight out of the box"), and I need those configuration details.

Below is the relevant parts of my config that should get you going:

my /usr/local/etc/cyrus.conf:

  # do not delete this entry!
  recover       cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"

  # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
  idled         cmd="idled"

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/imap/socket
  # add or remove based on preferences
  imap         cmd="imapd -C  /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf" listen="imap" 
#  pop3         cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
#  pop3s                cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0
  sieve         cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0

  # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
#  lmtp         cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
  lmtpunix      cmd="/usr/local/cyrus/bin/lmtpd" 
listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0

  # this is only necessary if using notifications
  notify        cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/imap/socket/notify" 
proto="udp" prefork=1

  # this is required
  checkpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30

  # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
  delprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400

  # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
  tlsprune      cmd="tls_prune" period=1440

And /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf

# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/cyrus-imapd2/files/imapd.conf,v 1.8 2002/08/08 
14:06:48 ume Exp $
# Sample configurations file for Cyrus IMAPd
# Most lines in this file are commented; in this case the default is 
# The commented lines (usually) contain the default value
configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /usr/local/imap
unixhierarchysep: yes
lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
imap_allowanonymouslogin: no
sieve_allowanonymouslogin: no
imap_allowplaintext: no
sieve_allowplaintext: yes
imapidresponse: yes
admins: cyrus toor
autocreatequota: -128
duplicatesuppression: yes
sendmail: /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
postmaster: postmaster
sieve_maxscripts: 15
sasl_maximum_layer: 256
sasl_minimum_layer: 0
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_auto_transition: yes
lmtpsocket: /var/imap/socket/lmtp
idlesocket: /var/imap/socket/idle
notifysocket: /var/imap/socket/notify

In addition, check that you have the following directories created + 
run the mkimap for creating the rest of directories/db's

Create the configuration directory specified by the "configdirectory" 
option in "imapd.conf." The configuration directory is similar in 
concept to the "/usr/lib/news" directory. It stores information about 
the IMAP server as a whole.
This document uses the configuration directory "/var/imap" in its 
examples. This directory should be owned by the cyrus user and group 
and should not permit access to other users.

   cd /var
   mkdir imap
   chown cyrus imap
   chgrp mail imap
   chmod 750 imap

Create the default partition directories specified in the 
"/etc/imapd.conf" file.
This document uses a default partition directory of "/var/spool/imap" 
in the following example:

   cd /var/spool
   mkdir imap
   chown cyrus imap
   chgrp mail imap
   chmod 750 imap

Change to the Cyrus user and use the tool "tools/mkimap" to create the 
rest of the directories (subdirectories of the directories you just 
   su cyrus

Hope this helps


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