the console bug still exists

jhell jhell at
Wed Aug 4 14:49:45 UTC 2010

On 08/04/2010 03:22, David Xu wrote:
> Sigh, pressing ScrollLock key several times can lock up the
> kernel when it is still booting before /sbin/init runs.
> David Xu

Sorry David,

No matter what I have tried I have not been able to reproduce this 
across 5 separate machines.

Is there any way that you could obtain a backtrace and or any other 
further information ?

Is there a PR already opened ? has it been looked at ? is there another 
thread already started on this ?

Is this a USB keyboard ? PS/2 ? is this a USB keyboard plugged into a 
PS/2 via a USB->PS/2 plug ? is this a laptop ? PC ? PPC ? ARM ?

There is not enough information on this subject from you yet. Please 
provide some URLs to your hardware & some other information like uname 
-a output & kernel config etc...

Some hints I might possibly be able to provide you with are disabling 
device vkbd, or kbdmux or both if you have that choice and you are not 
making sufficient use of them. Obviously this depends a lot on your 
usage and what the hardware is but these are things that you have to 

Regards & Good Luck,



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