ZFS on top of GELI / Intel Atom 330 system

Dan Naumov dan.naumov at gmail.com
Sun May 31 14:47:35 UTC 2009

I am pretty sure that adding more disks wouldn't solve anything in
this case, only either using a faster CPU or a faster crypto system.
When you are capable of 70 MB/s reads on a single unecrypted disk, but
only 24 MB/s reads off the same disk while encrypted, your disk speed
isn't the problem.

- Dan Naumov

On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Ronald Klop
<ronald-freebsd8 at klop.yi.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 29 May 2009 13:34:57 +0200, Dan Naumov <dan.naumov at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now that I have evaluated the numbers and my needs a bit, I am really
>> confused about what appropriate course of action for me would be.
>> 1) Use ZFS without GELI and hope that zfs-crypto get implemented in
>> Solaris and ported to FreeBSD "soon" and that when it does, it won't
>> come with such a dramatic performance decrease as GELI/ZFS seems to
>> result in.
>> 2) Go ahead with the original plan of using GELI/ZFS and grind my
>> teeth at the 24 MB/s read speed off a single disk.
> 3) Add extra disks. It will speed up reading. One disk extra will about
> double the read speed.

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