ZFS NAS configuration question

Louis Mamakos louie at transsys.com
Sun May 31 02:59:45 UTC 2009

The system that I built had 5 x 72GB SCA SCSI drives.  Just to keep my
own sanity, I decided that I'd configure the fdisk partitioning  
across all of the drives.  So that they all have a 1GB slice and and a  

The drives all have identical capacity, so the second 71GB slice ends up
the same on all of the drives.  I actually end up using glabel to create
a named unit of storage, so that I don't have to worry about getting
the drives inserted into the right holes..

I figured that 1GB wasn't too far off for both swap partitions (3 of  
plus a pair mirrored to boot from.

I haven't really addressed directly swapping another drive of a slightly
different size, though I've spares and I could always put a larger drive
in and create a slice at the right size.

It looks like this, with all of the slices explicitly named with glabel:

root at droid[41] # glabel status
             Name  Status  Components
      label/boot0     N/A  da0s1
     label/zpool0     N/A  da0s2
      label/boot1     N/A  da1s1
     label/zpool1     N/A  da1s2
      label/swap2     N/A  da2s1
     label/zpool2     N/A  da2s2
      label/swap3     N/A  da3s1
     label/zpool3     N/A  da3s2
      label/swap4     N/A  da4s1
     label/zpool4     N/A  da4s2

And the ZFS pool references the labeled slices:

root at droid[42] # zpool status
   pool: z
  state: ONLINE
  scrub: none requested

         NAME              STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
         z                 ONLINE       0     0     0
           raidz2          ONLINE       0     0     0
             label/zpool0  ONLINE       0     0     0
             label/zpool1  ONLINE       0     0     0
             label/zpool2  ONLINE       0     0     0
             label/zpool3  ONLINE       0     0     0
             label/zpool4  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

And swap on the other ones:

root at droid[43] # swapinfo
Device          1024-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/label/swap4     1044192        0  1044192     0%
/dev/label/swap3     1044192        0  1044192     0%
/dev/label/swap2     1044192        0  1044192     0%
Total               3132576        0  3132576     0%

This is the mirrored partition that the system actually boots from.   
maps physically to da0s1 and da1s1.  The normal boot0 and boot1/boot2  
loader operate typically on da0s1a which is really /dev/mirror/boota:

root at droid[45] # gmirror status
        Name    Status  Components
mirror/boot  COMPLETE  label/boot0

root at droid[47] # df -t ufs
Filesystem          1024-blocks      Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/mirror/boota       1008582    680708   247188    73%    /bootdir

The UFS partition eventually ends up getting mounted on /bootdir:

root at droid[51] # cat /etc/fstab
# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options          
Dump    Pass#
zfs:z/root              /               zfs     rw               
0       0
/dev/mirror/boota       /bootdir        ufs     rw,noatime       
1       1
/dev/label/swap2        none            swap    sw               
0       0
/dev/label/swap3        none            swap    sw               
0       0
/dev/label/swap4        none            swap    sw               
0       0
/dev/acd0               /cdrom          cd9660  ro,noauto        
0       0

But when /boot/loader on the UFS partition reads what it thinks is / 
which eventually ends up in /bootdir/etc/fstab, the root file system  
that's mounted
is the ZFS filesystem at z/root:

root at droid[52] # head /bootdir/etc/fstab
# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options          
Dump    Pass#
z/root                  /               zfs     rw               
0       0

And /boot on the ZFS root is symlinked into the UFS filesystem, so it  
gets updated
when a make installworld happens:

root at droid[53] # ls -l /boot
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  12 May  3 23:00 /boot@ -> bootdir/boot


On May 30, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Dan Naumov wrote:

> Is the idea behind leaving 1GB unused on each disk to work around the
> problem of potentially being unable to replace a failed device in a
> ZFS pool because a 1TB replacement you bought actually has a lower
> sector count than your previous 1TB drive (since the replacement
> device has to be either of exact same size or bigger than the old
> device)?
> - Dan Naumov
> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 10:06 PM, Louis Mamakos <louie at transsys.com>  
> wrote:
>> I built a system recently with 5 drives and ZFS.  I'm not booting  
>> off a ZFS
>> root, though it does mount a ZFS file system once the system has  
>> booted from
>> a UFS file system.  Rather than dedicate drives, I simply  
>> partitioned each
>> of the drives into a 1G partition

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