Building 7.2 Stable fails to compile dtmalloc

Michael L. Squires mikes at
Wed May 27 19:30:39 UTC 2009

I had a similar build error with 7.2-STABLE with a different error - 
internal compiler error.

After updating and having buildworld fail in the same spot I completely 
cleaned my /usr/obj and /usr/src directories (need "cd /usr/obj;chflags -R 
noschg *;rm -rf *" for /usr/obj and then downloaded the sources again.

This time there were no problems compiling.  I don't know if the cause was 
a hardware problem, a corrupted /usr/src, or a bug that was fixed by the 
time I downloaded /usr/src.

This is hardware on which I've been compiling FreeBSD for some time, so my 
guess is the corrupted /usr/src (given that there are no repots of a 
similar error from other users).

Mike Squires
mikes at

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