ZFS boot on zfs mirror

George Hartzell hartzell at alerce.com
Tue May 26 16:21:02 UTC 2009

Dmitry Morozovsky writes:
 > On Tue, 26 May 2009, Mickael MAILLOT wrote:
 > MM> Hi,
 > MM> 
 > MM> i prefere use zfsboot boot sector, an example is better than a long talk:
 > MM> 
 > MM> $ zpool create tank mirror ad4 ad6
 > MM> $ zpool export tank
 > MM> $ dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad4 bs=512 count=1
 > MM> $ dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad6 bs=512 count=1
 > MM> $ dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad4 bs=512 skeep=1  seek=1024
 > MM> $ dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad6 bs=512 skeep=1  seek=1024
 > s/skeep/skip/ ? ;-)

What is the reason for copying zfsboot one bit at a time, as opposed

  dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/ad4 bs=512 count=2


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