More data on 7.2-RELEASE "hangs"

NAKAJI Hiroyuki nakaji at
Wed May 13 12:04:30 UTC 2009

Marc, and folks,

I have simillar "hang" problem on 6.4-STABLE and 7.2-STABLE servers, on
which apache, squid, inn, named, isc-dhcpd and so on are running except DB

What kind of informations should I check to solve this annoying problem?

I'm running munin-node on these machines, too.


>>>>> In <20090513040719.D17646 at> 
>>>>>	"Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy at> wrote:

> Don't know if this helps with anything, but it just hung after 2days
> again ... nothing on the console ... top process running at the time
> shows the following ... anything there look "concerning"?
NAKAJI Hiroyuki

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