lock up in 6.2 (procs massively stuck in Giant)

pluknet pluknet at gmail.com
Wed May 13 05:45:05 UTC 2009

2009/5/13 John Baldwin <jhb at freebsd.org>:
> On Tuesday 12 May 2009 4:59:19 pm pluknet wrote:
>> Hi.
>> From just another box (not from the first two mentioned earlier)
>> with a similar locking issue. If it would make sense, since there are
>> possibly a bit different conditions.
>> clock proc here is on swi4, I hope it's a non-important difference.
>>    18     0     0     0  LL     *Giant    0xd0a6b140 [swi4: clock sio]
>> db> bt 18
> Ok, this is a known issue in 6.x.  It is fixed in 6.4.

Thank you very much!


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