"maxproc limit exceeded" making no sense

Eduardo Meyer dudu.meyer at gmail.com
Tue May 12 16:04:23 UTC 2009

On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 3:12 AM, David Malone <dwmalone at maths.tcd.ie> wrote:
> On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 10:51:02AM -0300, Eduardo Meyer wrote:
>> However what I see regarding proc usage is by uid 82 is:
>> # ps -U 82 | wc -l
>>      723
>> Proccess count for UID 82 is never highter than 913 (monitored the
>> last whole hour, while log messages were still showing, complaining
>> about maxproc limit beeing exceeded).
> I guess user 82 is exceeding their per-user process limit. This is set
> (traditionally) using the limit or ulimit shell builtins, but can also
> be configured in /etc/login.conf or by certain pam modules. I'd start
> with login.conf.


This user is classess, therefore its on default class on login.conf,
and all limits there are "unlimited".

>        David.

Eduardo Meyer
pessoal: dudu.meyer at gmail.com
profissional: ddm.farmaciap at saude.gov.br

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