Jails and IPv6

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at lists.zabbadoz.net
Fri May 8 20:50:07 UTC 2009

On Thu, 7 May 2009, Steve Bertrand wrote:

Hi Steve,

> I just want to throw out a heart-felt thank you, congratulations and
> excellent work to all those who had their hand in making the jail
> framework so completely flexible (particularly on the IP side of things).
> Kudos, and thank you all. IPv6 works flawlessly!

Happy to see things work fine for you as well:)  It's really great to
get feedback like that!   Obviously, if you find any problem we'll also
like to hear about that. In that case you may probably want to post to
the freebsd-jail mailing list to get help.

The same obviously applies to anyone going to give it a try;-)


PS: saying what I have said before: if you are using jails and like
the new features and they work out for you or you may make money by
using them and want to give something back, consider a donation to
the FreeBSD Foundation: see http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/donate/

Bjoern A. Zeeb                      The greatest risk is not taking one.

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