RELENG_7 - has mergemaster changed logic since 7.2-RELEASE?

Daniel Gerzo danger at
Tue May 5 08:01:33 UTC 2009

Manolis Kiagias wrote:

> I always use -iU too.
> I've lost motd, passwd, group and master.passwd
> During mergemaster -p I was asked to merge changes to some of these, and
> still they were replaced with the newer versions. I don't know what went
> wrong but have restored them from backup. (I always tar /etc before a
> source upgrade). Upgrading another system using freebsd-update did not
> cause any problem.

I have the same experience while I was upgrading a few machines 
upgrading from RELENG_7 to RELENG_7_2. I haven't experienced when 
upgrading from 7.1-R to 7.2-R.

Here auth.conf, csh.cshrc, hosts, crontab, syslogd.conf, passswd, 
master.passwd, group, sysctl.conf motd and maybe some more got 
overwritten :-( I had to restore from backups.

S pozdravom / Best regards
   Daniel Gerzo, FreeBSD committer

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