bluetooth troubleshooting

Bruce Cran bruce at
Sat May 2 10:50:04 UTC 2009

On Sat, 02 May 2009 09:18:26 +0200
Dominic Fandrey <kamikaze at> wrote:

> # /etc/rc.d/bluetooth onestart ubt0
> /etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for
> device ubt0 # /etc/rc.d/bluetooth onestart ubt1
> /etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for
> device ubt1
> This error message gives me no idea of what is wrong. The handbook
> mentions comms/hcidump for debugging, but I think this is meant
> for analyzing bluetooth traffic.
> As you can see I haven't gotten far enough to produce any traffic to
> analyse. Is someone here familiar with bluetooth and can provide
> me with a command that might reveal something about the nature
> of my problem?

I think devd now automatically starts the Bluetooth stack when you
plug in a recognised device, so you'll only be able to use onestart
after first running onestop.

Bruce Cran

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