Request for testing - top 3.8b1 in the base system

Václav Haisman v.haisman at
Sun Sep 28 09:35:52 UTC 2008

Edwin Groothuis wrote, On 28.9.2008 7:46:
> I have made an update for the top(1) utility in the FreeBSD base
> system to get it from the 3.5b12 version to the 3.8b1 version.
> I have tried them on the amd64 architecture on FreeBSD -current and
> FreeBSD 7.0 and on the i386 architecture on FreeBSD 7.0.
> The big new features are a line upper part with kernel statistics
> (context-switches, traps, interrupts, faults etc) and the FLG table
> (if you window is big enough)
> Some features specific to FreeBSD (dual display (press m)), threaded
> processes, and jails have been ported to 3.8b1.
> The biggest fix (AFAICT) is the TIME and CPU table for threaded
> processes, which are now calculated properly.
> The new code can be found on
> Go to 3.8b1/usr.sbin/top and run "make" there to produce the binary,
> then run it via "./top".
> Please report any issues with it (compile time, run time) and a way
> to reproduce it (if possible). Thanks for your help!
Is this 7.0+ only? I run 6.3 and I see the following when I start it:

last pid: -1077944144;  loa  0.52,  0.28,  0.26;
                                                     up 11+15:31:33     11:33:05
0 processes:
CPU:   0.1% user,  0.6% nice, -0.7% system, -0.6% interrupt, -0.4% idle
Kernel: 1 intr
Mem:    235M Active, 458M Inact, 219M Wired, 42M Cache, 111M Buf, 39M Free
Swap:   3000M Total, 181M Used, 2819M Free, 6% Inuse
 sysctlnametomib: No such file or directory

And no processes.

> Edwin


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