unsupported NVIDIA SATA controller

Gavin Atkinson gavin at FreeBSD.org
Tue Sep 16 11:13:09 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-15 at 19:25 -0700, Joseph Olatt wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following SATA controller card on my system that appears to
> be unsupported by FreeBSD 7-STABLE. Does anybody know if this card is
> supported or will be supported in the near future?
> /*** Begin change #2 ***/
> [/usr/src/sys/dev/ata]
> joji at snow> diff -u  ata-chipset.c ata-chipset.c.orig
> --- ata-chipset.c       2008-09-15 20:47:55.000000000 -0500
> +++ ata-chipset.c.orig  2008-09-15 20:40:43.000000000 -0500
> @@ -3051,7 +3051,6 @@
>       { ATA_NFORCE_MCP65,    0, AMDNVIDIA, NVIDIA,  ATA_UDMA6, "nForce MCP65" },
>       { ATA_NFORCE_MCP67,    0, AMDNVIDIA, NVIDIA,  ATA_UDMA6, "nForce MCP67" },
>       { ATA_NFORCE_MCP73,    0, AMDNVIDIA, NVIDIA,  ATA_UDMA6, "nForce MCP73" },
> -     { ATA_NFORCE_MCP73_S1, 0, 0,         NV4|NVQ, ATA_SA300, "nForce MCP73" },
>       { ATA_NFORCE_MCP77,    0, AMDNVIDIA, NVIDIA,  ATA_UDMA6, "nForce MCP77" },
>       { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} ;
> /*** End change #2 ***/

Before you do anything, can you get a verbose DMESG and stick it online
somewhere?  This may well help identify why the above isn't working.

Secondly, you could try changing the line you've added to be:

        { ATA_NFORCE_MCP73_S1, 0, AMDNVIDIA, NVIDIA,  ATA_SA300, "nForce MCP73" },

although to be honest, I'm not expecting that to fix things for you.  If
it doesn't, then it looks like this chip may need special support.

Because the chip identifies itself as a RAID controller and not as a
standard IDE controller, the generic code does not attach to it either.
You could override this behaviour by removing your patch and using the
attached patch.  If nothing else, that may well get you working at
UDMA33, which is the most the "generic" ATA controller support can do.
Again, if this fails, stick a verbose dmesg online somewhere.

The real solution, of proper support for the chip, may not be possible
until either documentation is available for it, or another OS
(Linux/*BSD/OpenSolaris) support it.  Out of interest, what motherboard
is this on?

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