FreeBSD 7.1 Content

Dan Allen danallen46 at
Thu Sep 4 14:58:30 UTC 2008

On 4 Sep 2008, at 8:22 AM, Jim Pingle wrote:

> The CD installs are great for me, and have worked well for years.
> Personally, I install, update to -STABLE from a local cvsup mirror,  
> then use
> an updated ports tree or install packages remotely. The packages on  
> CD are
> out of date practically from the moment they are placed there, so I  
> rarely
> use them. The only package I regularly used was cvsup-without-gui,  
> which has
> been replaced by csup in the base system.

Okay, so how about for packages on the base CD:

* cvsup-without-gui (I also always use this)
* rsync
* perl

Then, since packages are always out-of-date, why not just skip the DVD  
and use the internet with a couple of check boxes at the end of the  
install, the way ports is treated now, that are just calls to pkg_add - 
r for:

* Firefox
* ... whatever else are the most popular add-ons

Fewer bits to be delivered via CD/DVD, and things are always up-to-date.

> Also, is not Ubuntu a "downstream" release of Debian, much like  
> FreeSBIE and
> PC-BSD are "downstream" of FreeBSD? If you want to compare apples to  
> apples,
> you might investigate those choices a little closer.

Touche.  I had forgotten this.  Perhaps this is why I was able to  
crash Ubuntu so quickly yesterday... ;-)

I hope everyone realizes that I am not trying to "de-server" FreeBSD.   
I just remember how daunting it was for me to get X setup when all I  
wanted to use was a web browser when I was new to it all.

The early BSD releases had a simple check box to add X support and it  
all just worked.  That was COOL.  That is what I am hoping to get back  
into BSD.

I do not want to spill onto DVDs, remove the sources, get rid of  
command prompts, or force systems to have on them...


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