File system is Full

Lars Eighner stableuser at
Wed Oct 3 08:27:14 PDT 2007

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Khaled Moussa wrote:

> My / slice
> got full and I wonder if there might be any way increasing size
> through free space on HD?

Yes, there is, and I see that someone has already replied calling your
attention to growfs.  However, there is almost certainly something wrong if
/ gets full.  You should find out what is filling / before you undertake any

Some possible causes:

(Recently discussed) dumping to a mount point when in fact the dump device
is not mounted.

/tmp not a separate file system and something using too much /tmp

Running as root, instead of as an ordinary user, or not purging root's old
mail (much of which are routine reports which are seldom good for anything
after a day or two)

In freebsd /home should be a symbolic link to /usr/home.  User directories
should be in /usr/home.

There just should not be much in / to get bigger except /root, and you
should not be keeping much of anything in /root.

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