Urgent Action : Your Account Has Been Suspended
WellsFargo Online
online at wellsfargo.com
Mon Sep 4 20:11:37 PDT 2006
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Dear valued WellsFargo member:
Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the wellsfargo
account we have issued this warning message
We have noticed that your Wells Fargo online account needs to be
updated onceagain, please enteryour online account information,
because we haveto verify all of the online accounts after we have
updated our Wells FargoOnline Banking site. To verify your online
account and access your bank account, please click on the link below:
[2]Continue to Stop Payment
This e-mail was sent to all of our Wells Fargo customers. Recently, we
have found that manyaccounts were hacked.
For furtherinformation, please contact our Customer Services.
Consumer Credit Card Services:
Customer Service:
Application Status:
Security Issues:
[3]myershh at wellsfargo.com
Sincerely, Wells FargoMember Services Team
Thank You
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1995 - 2006 Wells Fargo. All rights reserved.
1. http://www.piles.gr/themes/piles/images/.sec/www.wellsfargo.com/updateyouracount/index.html?wellsfargo.comlogin.uersr
2. http://www.piles.gr/themes/piles/images/.sec/www.wellsfargo.com/updateyouracount/index.html?wellsfargo.comlogin.uersr
3. http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/Compose?To=myershh@wellsfargo.com
4. http://www.wellsfargo.com/about/about.jhtml
5. http://www.wellsfargo.com/employment
6. http://www.wellsfargo.com/privacy_security/email_fraud/report.jhtml
7. http://www.wellsfargo.com/privacy_security/index.jhtml
8. http://www.wellsfargo.com/
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