ATA problems again ...

Mike Tancsa mike at
Mon Jul 17 15:12:59 UTC 2006

At 11:02 AM 17/07/2006, Johan Ström wrote:

>On 17 jul 2006, at 16.51, Mike Tancsa wrote:
>>This at least rules out the disks being bad for the most part.  It
>>still could be bad cables, but if you changed those out than its
>>doubtful.  Perhaps try updating to RELENG_6 ? If its a gmirror
>>issue, I think there have been a number of fixes.
>Just ran PowerMax (maxtors own testing software) full length test on
>ad6, not a single problem.. Same result as on ad4 a couple of days
>ago.. So no, i doubt it's the disks. I've changed the other SATA
>cable too now (the one one ad6), this was a fresh one never used
>before. I'll change ad4 too when i take it down for reboot.
>I'm currently running RELENG_6_1, however from may 9th. Have there
>been any ata/gmirror changes merged to 6_1 since then?
>If I run RELENG_6 instead, how big is the change any other problems
>might arise? ;) I've never used anything other than "stable"..

RELENG_6 is pretty stable for me.  I see a few 
commits and bug fixes to the tree specifically 
for gmirror 
No idea if it will fix your problem or not.  It 
might be its a result of some other bug.  But I 
would try there unless someone has a better suggestion.


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