2 NICs, SMP, weird kernel ARP messages

Thomas Franck TAFranck at gmx.net
Fri Feb 17 04:57:42 PST 2006

On 17 Feb 2006 at 12:26, Dominic Marks wrote:

> Tried these sysctls?
> net.link.ether.inet.log_arp_wrong_iface
> net.link.ether.inet.log_arp_movements
> net.link.ether.inet.log_arp_permanent_modify

I set this in sysctl.conf now and did a reboot..
net.link.ether.inet.log_arp_wrong_iface = 0

and it works like expected.. no more messages of that kind... 
Thank you... :)
Say.. this this flag is probably aware of run-time changes, too, 
hmm? so a  "sysctl net.link.ether.inet.log_arp_wrong_iface=0" 
would have turned it off without reboot as well, right?

How can an arp reply be received by the wrong interface, though? 
Isn't the request broadcast and the reply MAC addressed?

I'm amazed - problem solved in less than 30 mins..
- Thomas

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