6.0 RC1 dhclient (was Re: 6.0 RC1 usbd.conf (and installation comments))

Joel Hatton joel at auscert.org.au
Mon Oct 31 15:31:44 PST 2005

> Ah, that's they key. aliases don't work with dhclient at the moment for
> most interfaces because the interfaces generate bogus link events when
> aliases are modified.  We hope to fix this, but it's going to take some
> time.

Ok - thanks. I'm fortunate at the moment that I've stopped using the jail
I had on that particular machine. Even though this is a somewhat unusual
situation (ie dhcp + jail alias) I don't suppose there's any move to in
the mean time incorporate a 'DHCLIENT=' make option for ISC/OpenBSD
versions? ;)


-- Joel Hatton --
Security Analyst                    | Hotline: +61 7 3365 4417
AusCERT - Australia's national CERT | Fax:     +61 7 3365 7031
The University of Queensland        | WWW:     www.auscert.org.au
Qld 4072 Australia                  | Email:   auscert at auscert.org.au

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