Bind9 Problem, please help

pinoyskull pinoyskull at
Thu Oct 27 21:41:22 PDT 2005

Mark Andrews wrote:

>>ok, after reading all your replies (thank you very much), it seems the my problem with dev has been fixed, 
>>what i did was i recreated my /u1/dns/dev that matches the one that's on /dev,
>>crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    2,   2 Oct 28 12:00 /dev/null
>>crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  249,   0 Oct 28 00:57 /dev/random
>>crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    2,  12 Oct 27 16:57 /dev/zero
>>crw-rw-rw-  1 root  daemon    2,   2 Oct 28 11:52 null
>>crw-rw-rw-  1 root  daemon  249,   0 Oct 28 11:52 random
>>crw-rw-rw-  1 root  daemon    2,  12 Oct 28 11:52 zero
>>i cranked it up and i got this 
>>Oct 28 12:00:24 mailhub named[85612]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -f
>>Oct 28 12:00:25 mailhub named[85612]: command channel listening on
>>Oct 28 12:01:39 mailhub named[85846]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -f
>>Oct 28 12:01:39 mailhub named[85846]: command channel listening on
>>Oct 28 12:01:40 mailhub named[85848]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -f
>>Oct 28 12:01:40 mailhub named[85848]: command channel listening on
>>Oct 28 12:01:41 mailhub named[85850]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -f
>>Oct 28 12:01:41 mailhub named[85850]: command channel listening on
>>Oct 28 12:01:42 mailhub named[85860]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -f
>>Oct 28 12:01:42 mailhub named[85860]: command channel listening on
>>it's a looping message
>Stop whatever you are using to start named.
>As root run "named -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -g"
>This will keep named in the foreground and send to logs to the
>terminal.  Once you have addressed whatever problems are
>reported you can go back to doing what you were doing.
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>Mark Andrews, ISC
>1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at
this is what i got after i ran (named -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -g

28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.282 starting BIND 9.3.1 -u bind -t /u1/dns -c /etc/named.conf -g
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.285 loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.321 listening on IPv4 interface fxp0, (ip adress)
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.322 listening on IPv4 interface lo0,
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.373 command channel listening on
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.373 ignoring config file logging statement due to -g option
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.373 couldn't open pid file '/var/run/': File exists
28-Oct-2005 12:37:13.373 exiting (due to early fatal error)

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