Problems Booting 6.0 RC1 on ia64

Joe Kelsey joe at
Sat Oct 22 22:07:58 PDT 2005

I am trying to boot up 6.0 RC1 on a brand new ia64 box.

I have an ASUS A8V motherboard with an AMD64 3800.  I have a DVD writer
attached to the ATA bus and two SATA disk drives.

On my x86 box (5.4), I download the 6.0 RC1 ia64 disc ISO images and
burn them onto CD-ROM.  I then take the new CD-ROM and put it in the
ia64 drive.  The system starts the boot process (with boot drive set to
the DVD writer), but errors out and asks me to insert a valid boot

What have I done wrong here?


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