6.0 release date and stability

Ronald Klop ronald-freebsd8 at klop.yi.org
Sun Oct 16 09:34:32 PDT 2005

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 13:57:52 +0200, dick hoogendijk <dick at nagual.st> wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 23:03:53 -0400
> "Joshua Coombs" <jcoombs at gwi.net> wrote:
>> For what it's worth, on UP, my 386 (stop laughing) is showing twice
>> the inbound and outbound tcp throughput across multiple apps compared
>> to 4.11.  Disk throughput is slightly higher, but nothing super
>> impressive.  If 6.0 can show gains on a 386, that tells me there is
>> some actual merit to the changes.
> The news I read about fFreeBSD-6.0 is quit good lately. I might even
> upgrade my 5.4 box. I'm told it will be a rather smooth proces.
> The *ONLY* question is: will I need to *recompile* all installed ports
> if I go from 5.4 to 6.0 release?

There are a couple of options:
1. Do not remove old (5.4) libraries. All 5.4 libs wil still be found.
2. Remove old libraries and install ports/misc/compat5x. All 5.4 lib wil  
still be found.
3. Remove old libraries and use /etc/libmap.conf to map the old libs on  
the new ones.
4. Recompile every port, so all dependencies are the 6.0 libs.


  Ronald Klop
  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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