setsockopt and SO_RCV/SNDTIMEO

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Fri Oct 7 08:31:21 PDT 2005

Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 05:04:40PM +0300, Lefteris Tsintjelis wrote:
> L> >You are expecting wrong from these socket options. They do not specify
> L> >time after which socket should be closed, if no IO is done.
> L> 
> L> Is there any easy build in functionality for that?
> Pardon, but I do not understand the question.

He wants the connection to be closed after a certain number of seconds if it is 

Lefterius, when you read() from the socket, call time().  If you read more than 
zero bytes, save that time in a variable.  If you read zero bytes, compare what 
time it is now to the saved value, and if the delta is greater than when you 
want an idle connection to close, well, call close() and exit or whatever.

Details like initializing the variable to now beforehand are probably needed.


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