Stability problems vith FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p14

David Kirchner dpk at
Sun Oct 2 11:48:25 PDT 2005

On 10/2/05, Kris Kennaway <kris at> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 02, 2005 at 07:54:25PM +0200, Jurij Kovacic wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > We are running FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p14 with SMP kernell on one of our
> > servers and are experiencing stability problems; the server has the
> > tendency to reboot itself for no apparent reason at least once per month.
> As you may know, 5.2.1 was an "early adopter release" not intended for
> production use.  It's not surprising you have encountered one of the
> bugs in it.  Update to a supported, production-quality release like
> 5.4.
> Kris

Also note that 5.4-RELEASE has a severe crash bug related when you use
PAE and 4GB+ RAM (which may be what the OP is running in to, actually)
so if you want to be able to use all of your memory without crashes,
you'll need to either upgrade to 5-STABLE or apply a small patch
(search the mail archive for PAE and pmap.c).

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