Problem booting FBSD 5.4-stable..

Sebastian Holmqvist at
Sun Oct 2 04:07:01 PDT 2005

On 2 Oct 2005, at 05:12, Subhro wrote:

> Sebastian Holmqvist sat at his 'puter and typed on 10/1/2005 20:09:
>> On 1 Oct 2005, at 14:29, Subhro wrote:
>>> Sebastian Holmqvist sat at his 'puter and typed on 10/1/2005 17:45:
>>>> On 1 Oct 2005, at 14:01, Subhro wrote:
>>>>> Sebastian Holmqvist sat at his 'puter and typed on 10/1/2005  
>>>>> 17:04:
>>>>>> Specs:
>>>>>> Amd Thunderbird 800
>>>>>> Abit KT7-raid (VIA KT133)
>>>>>> 256 MB
>>>>>> 30 GB IDE
>>>>>> Cdrom
>>>>>> Floppy
>>>>>> Problem: The computer just prints three rows...
>>>>>> 'Building the boot loader arguments
>>>>>> Looking up /BOOT/LOADER... Found
>>>>>> Relocating the loader and the BTX'
>>>>>> ...and then reboots.
>>>>> Did you try disabling fancy options like BIOS Shadowing, Power  
>>>>> Options, etc? Are you running the latest release of BIOS from  
>>>>> your mo'bo' manufacturer? Is the HDD and the CDROM on the same  
>>>>> cable? If yes, then what is the way they are attached?
>>>> Running the latest BIOS version yes. Also running Fail safe  
>>>> options with the exception on that I've but the cdrom on first  
>>>> boot device.
>>>> The cable setup is IDE1 <- HD0 (M) <- Cdrom (S). So yes, they're  
>>>> on the same cable with manual M/S-setup.
>>>> // Sebastian Holmqvist
>>> Great. FreeBSD, unlike Linux and Windowz is very very fusy about  
>>> hardware. As per the IDE specs, the master drive should always be  
>>> at the end of the cable. The middle is occupied by the slave  
>>> drive, which is not your case. For a start, I would try fixing  
>>> that. Also it is recommended not to mix drive types on a single  
>>> bus. Therefore it would be highly recommended to move the optical  
>>> drive to the secondary bus. Also do not rely on CS. Ecplicitly  
>>> jumper them as master and slave.
>>> Thanks
>>> S.
>> Alright. I've tried putting IDE <- CDrom (S) <- HD0 (M) and it  
>> didn't work.
>> Then I tried IDE1 <- HD0 (M) and IDE2 <- CDrom (M) and that didn't  
>> work EITHER.
>> This is feeling ridiculous. I'm trying the boot diskettes to test  
>> my luck.
>> // Sebastian Holmqvist
> Sebastian,
> Don't worry, the boot diskettes wont work either. The basic problem  
> is some kind of conflict with some existing hardware in the box. I  
> can see an ABit RAID inside the box. What is it doing there and  
> what kind of configuration is it following? Also could you point us  
> to some sites describing your hardware? Could you please tell us  
> about all the devices which are present in your system? Include the  
> onboard devices as well.
> Thanks
> S.
> -- 
> -----------------+-------------------------------------------------
>                   |                 Subhro Sankha Kar
>      \   /      |    GSM: +919831064613  --  Fax: +919831832913
>       \./     |    MSN:subhro at  --  Yahoo: subhro82
>      (0Y0)     |    ICQ: 203567534         --  AIM: bsdboy1982
> --ooO--(_)--Ooo--+-------------------------------------------------
The abit raid unit is disabled at the moment.
I've got a Promise SATAII150 TX4 controller card with two harddrives  
connected to it currently.

Otherwise, it's standard.

You gave me some ideas now, I'm gonna try without the Promise-card  
and if that works, on another PCI-port. Wish me good luck :)

// Sebastian Holmqvist

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