Problem booting FBSD 5.4-stable..

Subhro subhro.kar at
Sat Oct 1 05:29:42 PDT 2005

Sebastian Holmqvist sat at his 'puter and typed on 10/1/2005 17:45:
> On 1 Oct 2005, at 14:01, Subhro wrote:
>> Sebastian Holmqvist sat at his 'puter and typed on 10/1/2005 17:04:
>>> Specs:
>>> Amd Thunderbird 800
>>> Abit KT7-raid (VIA KT133)
>>> 256 MB
>>> 30 GB IDE
>>> Cdrom
>>> Floppy
>>> Problem: The computer just prints three rows...
>>> 'Building the boot loader arguments
>>> Looking up /BOOT/LOADER... Found
>>> Relocating the loader and the BTX'
>>> ...and then reboots.
>> Did you try disabling fancy options like BIOS Shadowing, Power 
>> Options, etc? Are you running the latest release of BIOS from your 
>> mo'bo' manufacturer? Is the HDD and the CDROM on the same cable? If 
>> yes, then what is the way they are attached?
> Running the latest BIOS version yes. Also running Fail safe options 
> with the exception on that I've but the cdrom on first boot device.
> The cable setup is IDE1 <- HD0 (M) <- Cdrom (S). So yes, they're on 
> the same cable with manual M/S-setup.
> // Sebastian Holmqvist
Great. FreeBSD, unlike Linux and Windowz is very very fusy about 
hardware. As per the IDE specs, the master drive should always be at the 
end of the cable. The middle is occupied by the slave drive, which is 
not your case. For a start, I would try fixing that. Also it is 
recommended not to mix drive types on a single bus. Therefore it would 
be highly recommended to move the optical drive to the secondary bus. 
Also do not rely on CS. Ecplicitly jumper them as master and slave.


      	         |                 Subhro Sankha Kar
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