
Eirik Øverby ltning at anduin.net
Fri May 27 13:39:38 PDT 2005

Hi folks,

I have sinned, I have forgotten to configure a dump device. I do have  
a debug kernel compiled though (I think), so maybe someone can help  
me figure out what's happening here. Nothing in particular going on,  
server has been up for a few weeks. Dual opteron machine, running  

Info below (uname -a, panic info and dmesg).


Version info:
FreeBSD anduin.net 5.4-STABLE FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #0: Tue May  3  
11:19:51 CEST 2005     root at anduin.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ANDUIN   


Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
fault virtual address   = 0x88
fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x8:0xffffffff803cd9e9
stack pointer           = 0x10:0xffffffffa54f5a20
frame pointer           = 0x10:0xffffffffa54f5a50
code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                         = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1
processor eflags        = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 62 (pagedaemon)
[thread pid 62 tid 100049 ]
Stopped at      thread_fini+0x89:       subl    0x88(%ebx),%eax
db> where
Tracing pid 62 tid 100049 td 0xffffff003dab0280
thread_fini() at thread_fini+0x89
zone_drain() at zone_drain+0x1e5
zone_foreach() at zone_foreach+0x4d
uma_reclaim() at uma_reclaim+0x21
vm_pageout() at vm_pageout+0x5fc
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x8f
fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0xe
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0xffffffffa54f5d00, rbp = 0 ---
db> ps
   pid   proc     uid  ppid  pgrp  flag   stat  wmesg    wchan  cmd
52843 ffffff0005248ba0    0 52838 52838 0004000 [RUNQ] perl
52842 ffffff00387e9ba0   91 52840 52840 0004000 [CPU 1] python
52840 ffffff0003162ba0   91 52837 52840 0004000 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff0003162ba0][SLP] sh
52838 ffffff000fa50000    0 52835 52838 0004000 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff000fa50000][SLP] sh
52837 ffffff003bea4000    0   636   636 0000000 [SLPQ piperd  
0xffffff001e0a7b40][SLP] cron
52835 ffffff00227fb000    0   636   636 0000000 [SLPQ piperd  
0xffffff0011be2000][SLP] cron
52824 ffffff00394758b8 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52822 ffffff002fdd7000 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52820 ffffff0037475ba0 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52818 ffffff001a5bb8b8 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52815 ffffff000f20fba0 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52813 ffffff0034d442e8 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52811 ffffff0023f9eba0 1000   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52808 ffffff001a140ba0    0  1291 52808 0004100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff0016cb39b8][SLP] ftpd
52806 ffffff0039475ba0    0  1291 52806 0004100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff00081abe08][SLP] ftpd
52805 ffffff0035c5e2e8    0  1291 52805 0004100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff000395c118][SLP] ftpd
52764 ffffff000328b2e8 1051   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52730 ffffff0036e4c8b8    0  1248  1248 0000000 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002c2108fe][SLP] perl5.8.6
52589 ffffff002b39c5d0 1027 52588 52589 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff0024801410][SLP] bash
52588 ffffff001a1402e8 1027 52585 52585 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
52585 ffffff002b227ba0    0   609 52585 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff002075abe0][SLP] sshd
52548 ffffff002c6be5d0    0  1248  1248 0000000 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002c2108fe][SLP] perl5.8.6
52387 ffffff00374758b8 1024   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
52299 ffffff00219515d0    0  1248  1248 0000000 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002c2108fe][SLP] perl5.8.6
52275 ffffff001471d8b8    0  1248  1248 0000000 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002c2108fe][SLP] perl5.8.6
46768 ffffff00117825d0 1001 46765 46768 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff0000a8b810][SLP] bash
46765 ffffff001b674000 1001 46749 46749 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
46749 ffffff0037ab32e8    0   609 46749 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff003694f790][SLP] sshd
46699 ffffff0003dc32e8 6681 46695 46699 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] pine
46695 ffffff001a44a2e8 6681 46694 46695 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff001a44a2e8][SLP] bash
46694 ffffff0005248000 6681 46689 46689 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
46689 ffffff002eec15d0    0   609 46689 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff001ecca118][SLP] sshd
45600 ffffff001529d2e8 1001   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
45043 ffffff0034d44000   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
43651 ffffff0019e05000 6682   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
42697 ffffff0000db1000   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
42696 ffffff00086d78b8   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
42695 ffffff001c9feba0   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
41451 ffffff001c9fe5d0   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
41447 ffffff001b7c85d0   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
41078 ffffff002f226000   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
40576 ffffff000aef62e8   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
40295 ffffff0000db1ba0 2003 15975 40295 0004102 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff0000db1c10][SLP] screen
34134 ffffff0019fb65d0 1017   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
27552 ffffff0031aba8b8   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
15975 ffffff001529dba0 2003 15974 15975 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff001529dba0][SLP] bash
15974 ffffff0014fc98b8 2003 15960 15960 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
15960 ffffff003297f5d0    0   609 15960 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff002a1ed9b8][SLP] sshd
9303 ffffff00052482e8   80   697   697 0000100 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef05e][SLP] httpd
61918 ffffff00117828b8 6676 61914 61918 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] pine
61914 ffffff0033501000 6676 61913 61914 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff0033501000][SLP] bash
61913 ffffff000ca7dba0 6676 61911 61911 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
61911 ffffff0014d832e8    0   609 61911 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff002c6fa790][SLP] sshd
48436 ffffff000aef65d0 1068   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
40876 ffffff002c8bc8b8 1006   744   744 0004000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] imapd
48661 ffffff002ef9d8b8  106     1 48661 0008180 (threaded)  clamd
    thread 0xffffff0032d03500 ksegrp 0xffffff003069f420 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff0004b82a00 ksegrp 0xffffff003069f420 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff001dc47c80 ksegrp 0xffffff003069f420 [SLPQ accept  
    thread 0xffffff0015efd280 ksegrp 0xffffff000e293420 [SLPQ  
ksesigwait 0xffffff002ef9da68][SLP]
48650 ffffff00031625d0  106     1 48650 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff0003162640][SLP] freshclam
36572 ffffff003033b000 6681     1 36571 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] dircproxy
36813 ffffff001f52e000    0     1 36810 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff002c12e9b8][SLP] sshd
23616 ffffff000abe88b8 6671 23614 23616 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff002ce5b010][SLP] bash
23614 ffffff0002ac55d0 6671 23611 23611 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
23611 ffffff00202b15d0    0   609 23611 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff0028dd2790][SLP] sshd
90642 ffffff0039475000    0     1 90638 0000100 [SLPQ sbwait  
0xffffff00125d1340][SLP] sshd
78160 ffffff001a140000    0 76625 78160 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] ssh
76625 ffffff001d5da000    0 76624 76625 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff001d5da000][SLP] bash
76624 ffffff001f52e8b8    0     1 76624 0004102 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff001f52e8b8][SLP] su
5720 ffffff0031aba2e8 1000     1  5720 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] eggdrop
5718 ffffff002eddaba0 1000     1  5718 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] eggdrop
5712 ffffff002edda000 1000  5709  5712 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] scrollz-1.9.4
5709 ffffff002edfaba0 1000  5699  5709 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff002edfaba0][SLP] bash
5708 ffffff002ee7a000 1000  5705  5708 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] scrollz-1.9.4
5705 ffffff001d42a2e8 1000  5699  5705 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff001d42a2e8][SLP] bash
5704 ffffff0013bdc8b8 1000  5701  5704 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] scrollz-1.9.4
5701 ffffff002edda8b8 1000  5699  5701 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff002edda8b8][SLP] bash
5699 ffffff0003162000 1000     1  5699 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] screen
89851 ffffff00394755d0    0     1 89851 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
89834 ffffff000aef6ba0    0     1 89834 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
89828 ffffff00176468b8   25     1 89828 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff0017646928][SLP] sendmail
89824 ffffff00129fd8b8    0     1 89824 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sendmail
89818 ffffff002ee7aba0    0     1 89818 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
89816 ffffff00100122e8    0     1 89816 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
89799 ffffff003bea45d0    0     1 89799 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
89793 ffffff000aef68b8   25     1 89793 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff000aef6928][SLP] sendmail
89789 ffffff001529d000    0     1 89789 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sendmail
89787 ffffff00100128b8    0     1 89787 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
89770 ffffff0010012000    0     1 89770 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
89761 ffffff003bea4ba0   25     1 89761 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff003bea4c10][SLP] sendmail
89754 ffffff00303fc000    0     1 89754 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
89746 ffffff0037ab3ba0    0     1 89746 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
89744 ffffff003bea42e8    0     1 89744 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
89741 ffffff0013bdc000    0     1 89741 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sendmail
89698 ffffff002f2265d0    0     1 89698 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
89696 ffffff000abe82e8    0     1 89696 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
89687 ffffff003d5822e8   25     1 89687 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff003d582358][SLP] sendmail
89675 ffffff00055aa000   25     1 89675 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff00055aa070][SLP] sendmail
89656 ffffff002ef9dba0    0     1 89656 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sendmail
89645 ffffff001f52eba0    0     1 89645 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sendmail
89623 ffffff002ef1b8b8    0     1 89623 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
89612 ffffff001d42a5d0    0     1 89612 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
89574 ffffff00129fd000    0     1 89574 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
89566 ffffff001f52e5d0    0     1 89566 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
89502 ffffff000abe8ba0    0     1 89502 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
89290 ffffff00129fd2e8    0     1 89290 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
89256 ffffff00073ac5d0    0     1 89256 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
89231 ffffff00202b1000    0     1 89231 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
88982 ffffff00229de8b8    0     1 88982 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
88965 ffffff0013bdc2e8    0     1 88965 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
88959 ffffff0031df95d0   25     1 88959 0000100 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff0031df9640][SLP] sendmail
88955 ffffff00227fb8b8    0     1 88955 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sendmail
88949 ffffff002b2278b8    0     1 88949 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
88899 ffffff001d42a8b8    0     1 88899 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
7246 ffffff002ee7a8b8    0     1  7246 0000000 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff0018e7bd4e][SLP] python
64001 ffffff0011b7f8b8 1026     1 64001 0015002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] ruby
49159 ffffff003d582000 2003 49158 49159 0004003 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] irssi
49158 ffffff002f148ba0 2003 49156 49158 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff002f148ba0][SLP] bash
49156 ffffff00303fc8b8 2003     1 49156 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] screen
48054 ffffff00202b1ba0 6694 48052 48054 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] irssi
48052 ffffff000abe8000 6694     1 48052 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] screen
37525 ffffff003d6e75d0  389     1 37525 0008180 (threaded)  slapd
    thread 0xffffff0032500780 ksegrp 0xffffff003d6830b0 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff0014ef9500 ksegrp 0xffffff003d6830b0 [SLPQ select  
    thread 0xffffff000e91bc80 ksegrp 0xffffff003d6830b0 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff002da22c80 ksegrp 0xffffff000adae840 [SLPQ  
ksesigwait 0xffffff003d6e7780][SLP]
1326 ffffff002fdd7ba0    0  1291  1326 0004100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] fam
1311 ffffff002eb99ba0    0     1  1311 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff0000f5f010][SLP] getty
1310 ffffff002eec18b8    0     1  1310 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003cbf0c10][SLP] getty
1309 ffffff002ed42000    0     1  1309 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003ce31810][SLP] getty
1308 ffffff003dabb8b8    0     1  1308 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003ce31410][SLP] getty
1307 ffffff002ef9d2e8    0     1  1307 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003c06e810][SLP] getty
1306 ffffff002eb992e8    0     1  1306 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003c06ec10][SLP] getty
1305 ffffff002edfa5d0    0     1  1305 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003cbf0010][SLP] getty
1304 ffffff002b39c2e8    0     1  1304 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003cbf0410][SLP] getty
1303 ffffff002b888000    0     1  1303 0004002 [SLPQ ttyin  
0xffffff003cbf0810][SLP] getty
1291 ffffff003033b8b8    0     1  1291 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] inetd
1273 ffffff002b8885d0    0     1  1273 0000000 [SLPQ accept  
0xffffff002cfef286][SLP] vtund
1256 ffffff002e2425d0    0     1  1255 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] snmpd
1248 ffffff002ef1b2e8    0     1  1248 0000000 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff002ef1b358][SLP] perl5.8.6
1117 ffffff002e6625d0   88  1068  1049 000c082 (threaded)  mysqld
    thread 0xffffff002b5a1780 ksegrp 0xffffff003d683c60 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff001a641280 ksegrp 0xffffff0021f91000 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff002045a280 ksegrp 0xffffff003d683c60 [SLPQ select  
    thread 0xffffff0038bb5780 ksegrp 0xffffff003d683c60 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff0019b8ec80 ksegrp 0xffffff0014f34bb0 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff003cb4ac80 ksegrp 0xffffff0021f912c0 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff001fc26000 ksegrp 0xffffff0014f342c0 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff00018de780 ksegrp 0xffffff001b51f840 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff0030fe6000 ksegrp 0xffffff000c0d20b0 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff0032d8a500 ksegrp 0xffffff000adae790 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff003166fa00 ksegrp 0xffffff000c0d29a0 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff003a14e500 ksegrp 0xffffff0033bcbdc0 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff00201e7000 ksegrp 0xffffff0035042160 [SLPQ sbwait  
    thread 0xffffff002e483500 ksegrp 0xffffff002b867d10 [SLPQ sigwait  
    thread 0xffffff002d8f8000 ksegrp 0xffffff002b867dc0 [SLPQ  
ksesigwait 0xffffff002e662780][SLP]
1068 ffffff002f1485d0   88     1  1049 0004002 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff002f1485d0][SLP] sh
   783 ffffff002f168ba0    0     1   783 0000000 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff002f168c10][SLP] ipa
   778 ffffff002b888ba0   26     1   778 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] exim-4.50-1
   767 ffffff002eec1ba0    0     1   765 0004002 [SLPQ piperd  
0xffffff002ce4c870][SLP] courierlogger
   765 ffffff002edfa000    0     1   765 0000003 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] couriertcpd
   762 ffffff002ed425d0    0   720   719 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] authdaemond
   761 ffffff002ed428b8    0   720   719 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] authdaemond
   760 ffffff002ed42ba0    0   720   719 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] authdaemond
   759 ffffff002eec1000    0   720   719 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] authdaemond
   758 ffffff002eec12e8    0   720   719 0000002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] authdaemond
   746 ffffff002edda5d0    0     1   744 0004002 [SLPQ piperd  
0xffffff002b1da5a0][SLP] courierlogger
   744 ffffff002b8882e8    0     1   744 0000003 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] couriertcpd
   733 ffffff002e662ba0    0     1   731 0004002 [SLPQ piperd  
0xffffff002b29bb40][SLP] courierlogger
   731 ffffff002e242ba0    0     1   731 0000003 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] couriertcpd
   720 ffffff002e2422e8    0   719   719 0004002 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] authdaemond
   719 ffffff003dabbba0    0     1   719 0000003 [SLPQ piperd  
0xffffff002ce4c5a0][SLP] courierlogger
   697 ffffff002ef1bba0    0     1   697 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] httpd
   676 ffffff002e662000   70   675   674 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] postgres
   675 ffffff00303fc2e8   70   674   674 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] postgres
   674 ffffff002ed422e8   70     1   674 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] postgres
   636 ffffff002b39c000    0     1   636 0000000 [SLPQ nanslp  
0xffffffff80822ba0][SLP] cron
   609 ffffff002f168000    0     1   609 0000100 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] sshd
   595 ffffff002f148000    0     1   595 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] ntpd
   554 ffffff002f1685d0    0     1   554 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] usbd
   523 ffffff002e6628b8    0   519   519 0000000 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff002ef33800][SLP] nfsd
   522 ffffff002f1682e8    0   519   519 0000000 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff002ef33000][SLP] nfsd
   521 ffffff003d6e78b8    0   519   519 0000000 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff002eb32800][SLP] nfsd
   520 ffffff003033bba0    0   519   519 0000000 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff002eb32600][SLP] nfsd
   519 ffffff00303fcba0    0     1   519 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] nfsd
   517 ffffff002b39cba0    0     1   517 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] mountd
   495 ffffff002f2262e8    0     1   495 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] rpcbind
   424 ffffff002eb99000   53     1   424 0008180 (threaded)  named
    thread 0xffffff0002731a00 ksegrp 0xffffff003069fd10 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff000ff08000 ksegrp 0xffffff003069fd10 [SLPQ select  
    thread 0xffffff001bceac80 ksegrp 0xffffff003069fd10 [SLPQ kserel  
    thread 0xffffff002effc500 ksegrp 0xffffff002f3678f0 [SLPQ  
ksesigwait 0xffffff002eb991b0][SLP]
   342 ffffff002fdd72e8    0     1   342 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] syslogd
   320 ffffff002fdd75d0    0     1   320 0000000 [SLPQ select  
0xffffffff8082b2d0][SLP] devd
   249 ffffff003033b2e8    0     1   249 0000000 [SLPQ pause  
0xffffff003033b358][SLP] adjkerntz
   213 ffffff002fdd78b8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ mdwait  
0xffffff003ceaf000][SLP] md0
    72 ffffff003d5825d0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffffa5527be4][SLP] schedcpu
    71 ffffff003d5828b8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80835af8][SLP] nfsiod 3
    70 ffffff003d582ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80835af0][SLP] nfsiod 2
    69 ffffff003d684000    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80835ae8][SLP] nfsiod 1
    68 ffffff003d6842e8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80835ae0][SLP] nfsiod 0
    67 ffffff003d6845d0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ syncer  
0xffffffff80822780][SLP] syncer
    66 ffffff003d6848b8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ vlruwt  
0xffffff003d6848b8][SLP] vnlru
    65 ffffff003d684ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ psleep  
0xffffffff8082bbfc][SLP] bufdaemon
    64 ffffff003d6e7000    0     0     0 000020c [RUNQ] pagezero
    63 ffffff003da532e8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ psleep  
0xffffffff8083e704][SLP] vmdaemon
    62 ffffff003da535d0    0     0     0 0000204 [CPU 0] pagedaemon
    61 ffffff003da538b8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ m:w1  
0xffffff003ce0fa00][SLP] g_mirror gm0s1
    60 ffffff003da53ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff0000d69248][SLP] fdc0
    59 ffffff003da58000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi0: sio
    58 ffffff003da582e8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ idle  
0xffffffff80c45000][SLP] aic_recovery1
    57 ffffff003da585d0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ idle  
0xffffffff80c41000][SLP] aic_recovery0
    56 ffffff003da588b8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ usbevt  
0xffffffff80c3d420][SLP] usb1
    55 ffffff003da58ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ usbtsk  
0xffffffff808160d0][SLP] usbtask
    54 ffffff003dabb000    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ usbevt  
0xffffffff80c3b420][SLP] usb0
     9 ffffff003dabb2e8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ actask  
0xffffffff808008e0][SLP] acpi_task2
     8 ffffff003dabb5d0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ actask  
0xffffffff808008e0][SLP] acpi_task1
     7 ffffff003da8c000    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ actask  
0xffffffff808008e0][SLP] acpi_task0
    53 ffffff003da8c2e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi6: task  
    52 ffffff003da8c5d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi6:+
     6 ffffff003da8c8b8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff0000ca0900][SLP] thread taskq
    51 ffffff003da8cba0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi6:+
    50 ffffff003daaf000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi3: cambio
    49 ffffff003daaf2e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi2: camnet
     5 ffffff003daaf5d0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffff0000ca0d80][SLP] kqueue taskq
    48 ffffff003daaf8b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi6: acpitaskq
    47 ffffff003daafba0    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80813cc0][SLP] yarrow
     4 ffffff003da53000    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80819b08][SLP] g_down
     3 ffffff003da92000    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80819b00][SLP] g_up
     2 ffffff003da922e8    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ -  
0xffffffff80819af0][SLP] g_event
    46 ffffff003da925d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi1: net
    45 ffffff003da928b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] swi4: vm
    44 ffffff003da92ba0    0     0     0 000020c [RUNQ] swi5: clock sio
    43 ffffff003da95000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq0: clk
    42 ffffff003da952e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq31:
    41 ffffff003da955d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq30:
    40 ffffff003da958b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq29:
    39 ffffff003da95ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq28:
    38 ffffff003da772e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq27:
    37 ffffff003da775d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq26:
    36 ffffff003da778b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq25: bge1  
    35 ffffff003da77ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [RUNQ] irq24: bge0 ahd0
    34 ffffff003da46000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq23:
    33 ffffff003da462e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq22:
    32 ffffff003da465d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq21:
    31 ffffff003da468b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq20:
    30 ffffff003da46ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq19: ohci0  
    29 ffffff003da8a8b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq18: fxp0
    28 ffffff003da8aba0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq17:
    27 ffffff003da93000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq16:
    26 ffffff003da932e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq15: ata1
    25 ffffff003da935d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq14: ata0
    24 ffffff003da938b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq13:
    23 ffffff003da93ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq12:
    22 ffffff003da77000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq11:
    21 ffffff003daa02e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq10:
    20 ffffff003daa05d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq9: acpi0
    19 ffffff003daa08b8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq8: rtc
    18 ffffff003daa0ba0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq7: ppc0
    17 ffffff003da8a000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq6: fdc0
    16 ffffff003da8a2e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq5:
    15 ffffff003da8a5d0    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq4: sio0
    14 ffffff003da97000    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq3: sio1
    13 ffffff003da972e8    0     0     0 0000204 [IWAIT] irq1:
    12 ffffff003da975d0    0     0     0 000020c [Can run] idle: cpu0
    11 ffffff003da978b8    0     0     0 000020c [Can run] idle: cpu1
     1 ffffff003da97ba0    0     0     1 0004200 [SLPQ wait  
0xffffff003da97ba0][SLP] init
    10 ffffff003daa0000    0     0     0 0000204 [SLPQ ktrace  
0xffffffff8081f3d0][SLP] ktrace
     0 ffffffff80819c80    0     0     0 0000200 [SLPQ sched  
0xffffffff80819c80][SLP] swapper

DMESG output:

Copyright (c) 1992-2005 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
         The Regents of the University of California. All rights  
FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #0: Tue May  3 11:19:51 CEST 2005
     root at anduin.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ANDUIN
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 242 (1595.97-MHz K8-class CPU)
   Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0xf5a  Stepping = 10
   AMD Features=0xe0500800<SYSCALL,NX,MMX+,LM,3DNow+,3DNow>
real memory  = 1073676288 (1023 MB)
avail memory = 1024086016 (976 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
MADT: Forcing active-low polarity and level trigger for SCI
ioapic0 <Version 1.1> irqs 0-23 on motherboard
ioapic1 <Version 1.1> irqs 24-27 on motherboard
ioapic2 <Version 1.1> irqs 28-31 on motherboard
acpi0: <A M I OEMXSDT> on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x5008-0x500b on acpi0
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
acpi_throttle0: <ACPI CPU Throttling> on cpu0
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 6.0 on pci0
pci3: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
ohci0: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfeafc000-0xfeafcfff irq  
19 at device 0.0 on pci3
usb0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> on ohci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: AMD OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
ohci1: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfeafd000-0xfeafdfff irq  
19 at device 0.1 on pci3
usb1: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb1: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> on ohci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1: AMD OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
atapci0: <SiI 3114 SATA150 controller> port 0xa400-0xa40f, 
0xa800-0xa803,0xac00-0xac07,0xb000-0xb003,0xb400-0xb407 mem  
0xfeafec00-0xfeafefff irq 19 at device 5.0 on pci3
ata2: channel #0 on atapci0
ata3: channel #1 on atapci0
ata4: channel #2 on atapci0
ata5: channel #3 on atapci0
pci3: <display, VGA> at device 6.0 (no driver attached)
fxp0: <Intel 82551 Pro/100 Ethernet> port 0xbc00-0xbc3f mem  
0xfeaa0000-0xfeabffff,0xfeafb000-0xfeafbfff irq 18 at device 8.0 on pci3
miibus0: <MII bus> on fxp0
inphy0: <i82555 10/100 media interface> on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
fxp0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:81:2a:11:64
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 7.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci1: <AMD 8111 UDMA133 controller> port 0xffa0-0xffaf, 
0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 7.1 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci1
ata1: channel #1 on atapci1
pci0: <serial bus, SMBus> at device 7.2 (no driver attached)
pci0: <bridge> at device 7.3 (no driver attached)
pcib2: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 10.0 on pci0
pci2: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib2
ahd0: <Adaptec AIC7902 Ultra320 SCSI adapter> port 0x9c00-0x9cff, 
0x9000-0x90ff mem 0xfc8fc000-0xfc8fdfff irq 24 at device 6.0 on pci2
aic7902: Ultra320 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, PCI-X 67-100Mhz, 512 SCBs
ahd1: <Adaptec AIC7902 Ultra320 SCSI adapter> port 0x9400-0x94ff, 
0x9800-0x98ff mem 0xfc8fe000-0xfc8fffff irq 25 at device 6.1 on pci2
aic7902: Ultra320 Wide Channel B, SCSI Id=7, PCI-X 67-100Mhz, 512 SCBs
bge0: <Broadcom BCM5704C Dual Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x2003> mem  
0xfc8a0000-0xfc8affff,0xfc8b0000-0xfc8bffff irq 24 at device 9.0 on pci2
miibus1: <MII bus> on bge0
brgphy0: <BCM5704 10/100/1000baseTX PHY> on miibus1
brgphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX,  
1000baseTX-FDX, auto
bge0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:81:2a:59:8c
bge1: <Broadcom BCM5704C Dual Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x2003> mem  
0xfc8d0000-0xfc8dffff,0xfc8e0000-0xfc8effff irq 25 at device 9.1 on pci2
miibus2: <MII bus> on bge1
brgphy1: <BCM5704 10/100/1000baseTX PHY> on miibus2
brgphy1:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseTX,  
1000baseTX-FDX, auto
bge1: Ethernet address: 00:e0:81:2a:59:8d
pci0: <base peripheral, interrupt controller> at device 10.1 (no  
driver attached)
pcib3: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 11.0 on pci0
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib3
pci0: <base peripheral, interrupt controller> at device 11.1 (no  
driver attached)
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10  
on acpi0
sio0: type 16550A, console
sio1: <16550A-compatible COM port> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0
sio1: type 16550A
fdc0: <floppy drive controller (FDE)> port 0x3f7,0x3f0-0x3f5 irq 6  
drq 2 on acpi0
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
ppc0: <Standard parallel printer port> port 0x378-0x37f irq 7 on acpi0
ppc0: Generic chipset (NIBBLE-only) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppbus0: <Parallel port bus> on ppc0
plip0: <PLIP network interface> on ppbus0
lpt0: <Printer> on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
ppi0: <Parallel I/O> on ppbus0
orm0: <ISA Option ROMs> at iomem 0xd1000-0xd57ff,0xc0000-0xc7fff on isa0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> at port 0x64,0x60 on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on  
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
ipfw2 initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding disabled,  
default to deny, logging disabled
acd0: CDROM <CD-224E/1.9A> at ata1-slave PIO4
ad4: 152627MB <SAMSUNG SP1614C/SW100-27> [310101/16/63] at ata2- 
master SATA150
ad6: 152627MB <SAMSUNG SP1614C/SW100-27> [310101/16/63] at ata3- 
master SATA150
ar0: 152625MB <ATA RAID1 array> [19457/255/63] status: READY subdisks:
disk0 READY on ad4 at ata2-master
disk1 READY on ad6 at ata3-master
Waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
sa0 at ahd0 bus 0 target 6 lun 0
sa0: <HP C1533A A708> Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa0: 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 32)
da0 at ahd0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <IBM IC35L036UWD210-0 S5BS> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 63, 16bit), Tagged  
Queueing Enabled
da0: 35003MB (71687340 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4462C)
da1 at ahd0 bus 0 target 9 lun 0
da1: <IBM IC35L036UWD210-0 S5BS> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
da1: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 63, 16bit), Tagged  
Queueing Enabled
da1: 35003MB (71687340 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4462C)
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1 created (id=3433009533).
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: provider da0s1 detected.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: provider da1s1 detected.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: provider da1s1 activated.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: provider mirror/gm0s1 launched.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: rebuilding provider da0s1.
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/mirror/gm0s1a
WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
WARNING: /tmp was not properly dismounted
/tmp: mount pending error: blocks 0 files 1
WARNING: /usr was not properly dismounted
WARNING: /var was not properly dismounted
WARNING: /export/home was not properly dismounted
/export/home: mount pending error: blocks 240 files 2
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: rebuilding provider da0s1 finished.
GEOM_MIRROR: Device gm0s1: provider da0s1 activated.

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