Context sensitivity in beastie.4th?

Malcolm Kay malcolm.kay at
Thu May 26 23:08:37 PDT 2005

On Fri, 27 May 2005 03:11 pm, Scott Long wrote:
> Malcolm Kay wrote:
> > I have installed FreeBSD 5.4 RELEASE on a new machine,
> > Celeron + SATA drive, without and problems, include a kernel rebuild to
> > support a PCI serial card.
> >
> > But now I wish to change the graphic, beastie, that appears in the boot
> > menu. I am certainly no expert or even acolyte in forth programming but
> > the job appears to be simple enough -- just change the characters in the
> > 'beastie' constructions and if we don't exceed the available screen space
> > all should be well!
> >
> > Well what I got was a cycling reboot going back ech time to the BIOS
> > splash screen and advancing an apparently negligable distance into the
> > FBSD boot sequence.
> >
> > I had actually copied /boot/beastie.4th to /boot/phoenix.4th, edited
> > the copy and pointed /boot/loader.rc at phoenix.4th instead of
> > beastie.4th. Recovery by booting from the distribution CD and entering
> > "Fixit" to change the pointer back to beastie.4th.
> >
> > Most variants on my original attempt ended up the same way, but some
> > crashed with a "directory full" message which seems quite strange as my
> > images have always been smaller than the original 'beastie'.
> >
> > Replacing the colourised version of my 'phoenix' with a copy of the
> > monochrome version worked.
> >
> > At present I have a phoenix.4th file which works but does not exhibit the
> > full image. The differences to the original beastie.4th file are shown
> > here with escape characters replaced by '{esc}' to limit mail confusion.
> >
> > With the line:
> > ( 2dup at-xy ."         {esc}[1m^ ^" 1+ )
> > uncommented the system goes back to an infinite boot loop.
> >
> > This all seems very strange and unbelievable -- I must surely be doing
> > something very stupid. Does anyone have any idea what that might be?
> Seems to work for me with the commented lines fixed.  Btw, you by no

Looks as though I may have some strange hardware problem (Groan) but
I'll push on a bit further.

> doubt have noticed that it's somewhat inconvenient to do 4th programming
> by modifying the boot scripts and then praying that the reboot works.

Yes Yes Yes ! ! !

> It's possible to do 90% of the testing in userland, like I did when I
> wrote beastie.4th.
> Go to /sys/boot/ficl.  Do 'make clean && make testmain'.  This will
> create a binary called 'testmain' either in the '.' directory or in
> /usr/obj/usr/src/sys/boot/ficl.  Copy this binary to your home
> directory.  Then copy screen.4th, frames.4th, and beastie.4th from
> /boot to your home directory.  Next create a file called init.4th
> containing the following:
> : boot drop exit ;
> : reboot drop exit ;
> load screen.4th
> load frames.4th
> load beastie.4th
> beastie-start
> Then run it via './testmain init.4th'.  The countdown timer won't
> work and most of the keys naturally won't do what they are supposed to
> do, but everything else in the menu should work just as it would at
> boot.  I tested your colorized phoenix this way just now and it worked.

Thanks for the suggestion -- I'll give it a go.

> Scott

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