Performance of 4.x vs 5.x (nbench results)

Bohdan Horst nexus at
Tue May 24 12:31:26 PDT 2005

I have 4 identical PC with FreeBSD (2x4.11R and 2x5.4R)

Results (/usr/ports/net/benchmarks/nbench):

(CPUTYPE=p3 in /etc/make.conf; portupgrade -vf nbench)

NUMERIC SORT:  4.11= 499.52 494.31  5.4= 451.26 449.7  (4.11 faster) 
STRING SORT:   4.11= 24.13  24.11   5.4= 25.286 25.294 (5.4  faster)
BITFIELD(e+8)  4.11= 1.133  1.1319  5.4= 1.1239 1.1239 (4.11 faster)
FP EMULATION   4.11= 18.951 18.755  5.4= 25.044 25.029 (5.4  faster)
FOURIER        4.11= 5361   5356.3  5.4= 5076.3 5076.3 (4.11 faster)
ASSIGNMENT     4.11= 5.4795 5.4469  5.4= 5.8986 5.8968 (5.4  faster)
IDEA           4.11= 595.23 592.13  5.4= 660.65 660.65 (5.4  faster)
HUFFMAN        4.11= 332.47 330.91  5.4= 409.06 408.95 (5.4  faster)
NEURAL NET     4.11= 7.0374 6.9882  5.4= 7.2976 7.2955 (5.4  faster)
LU DECOMP.     4.11= 225.94 226.76  5.4= 211.56 210.84 (4.11 faster)
INTEGER INDEX  4.11= 12.305 12.238  5.4= 13.409 13.400 (5.4  faster)
FLOATING-POINT 4.11= 9.309  9.296   5.4= 9.052  9.041  (4.11 faster)
MEMORY INDEX   4.11= 3.321  3.313   5.4= 3.448  3.448  (5.4  faster)
INTEGER INDEX  4.11= 2.895  2.873   5.4= 3.271  3.268  (5.4  faster)
FLOATING-POINT 4.11= 5.163  5.156   5.4= 5.020  5.014  (4.11 faster)

all 4 hosts have important services (w3cache, firewall, ircd, etc) and i
cannot turn them off to perform good UFS1/UFS2 tests :(


FIRST 4.11:
CPU: Intel Pentium III (761.47-MHz 686-class CPU)
real memory  = 268369920 (262080K bytes)
avail memory = 257253376 (251224K bytes)

BYTEmark* Native Mode Benchmark ver. 2 (10/95)
Index-split by Andrew D. Balsa (11/97)
Linux/Unix* port by Uwe F. Mayer (12/96,11/97)

TEST                : Iterations/sec.  : Old Index   : New Index
                    :                  : Pentium 90* : AMD K6/233*
NUMERIC SORT        :          499.52  :      12.81  :       4.21
STRING SORT         :           24.13  :      10.78  :       1.67
BITFIELD            :       1.133e+08  :      19.43  :       4.06
FP EMULATION        :          18.951  :       9.09  :       2.10
FOURIER             :            5361  :       6.10  :       3.42
ASSIGNMENT          :          5.4795  :      20.85  :       5.41
IDEA                :          595.23  :       9.10  :       2.70
HUFFMAN             :          332.47  :       9.22  :       2.94
NEURAL NET          :          7.0374  :      11.30  :       4.76
LU DECOMPOSITION    :          225.94  :      11.70  :       8.45
==========================ORIGINAL BYTEMARK RESULTS==========================
INTEGER INDEX       : 12.305
Baseline (MSDOS*)   : Pentium* 90, 256 KB L2-cache, Watcom* compiler 10.0
==============================LINUX DATA BELOW===============================
CPU                 :
L2 Cache            :
OS                  : FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p9
C compiler          : cc
libc                : /usr/lib/
MEMORY INDEX        : 3.321
INTEGER INDEX       : 2.895
Baseline (LINUX)    : AMD K6/233*, 512 KB L2-cache, gcc, libc-5.4.38
* Trademarks are property of their respective holder.

SECOND 4.11:
CPU: Intel Pentium III (761.47-MHz 686-class CPU)
real memory  = 536805376 (524224K bytes)
avail memory = 518217728 (506072K bytes)

BYTEmark* Native Mode Benchmark ver. 2 (10/95)
Index-split by Andrew D. Balsa (11/97)
Linux/Unix* port by Uwe F. Mayer (12/96,11/97)

TEST                : Iterations/sec.  : Old Index   : New Index
                    :                  : Pentium 90* : AMD K6/233*
NUMERIC SORT        :          494.31  :      12.68  :       4.16
STRING SORT         :           24.11  :      10.77  :       1.67
BITFIELD            :      1.1319e+08  :      19.42  :       4.06
FP EMULATION        :          18.755  :       9.00  :       2.08
FOURIER             :          5356.3  :       6.09  :       3.42
ASSIGNMENT          :          5.4469  :      20.73  :       5.38
IDEA                :          592.13  :       9.06  :       2.69
HUFFMAN             :          330.91  :       9.18  :       2.93
NEURAL NET          :          6.9882  :      11.23  :       4.72
LU DECOMPOSITION    :          226.76  :      11.75  :       8.48
==========================ORIGINAL BYTEMARK RESULTS==========================
INTEGER INDEX       : 12.238
Baseline (MSDOS*)   : Pentium* 90, 256 KB L2-cache, Watcom* compiler 10.0
==============================LINUX DATA BELOW===============================
CPU                 :
L2 Cache            :
OS                  : FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p9
C compiler          : cc
libc                : /usr/lib/
MEMORY INDEX        : 3.313
INTEGER INDEX       : 2.873
Baseline (LINUX)    : AMD K6/233*, 512 KB L2-cache, gcc, libc-5.4.38
* Trademarks are property of their respective holder.

FIRST 5.4:
CPU: Intel Pentium III (761.48-MHz 686-class CPU)
real memory  = 402587648 (383 MB)
avail memory = 388460544 (370 MB)

BYTEmark* Native Mode Benchmark ver. 2 (10/95)
Index-split by Andrew D. Balsa (11/97)
Linux/Unix* port by Uwe F. Mayer (12/96,11/97)

TEST                : Iterations/sec.  : Old Index   : New Index
                    :                  : Pentium 90* : AMD K6/233*
NUMERIC SORT        :          451.26  :      11.57  :       3.80
STRING SORT         :          25.286  :      11.30  :       1.75
BITFIELD            :      1.1239e+08  :      19.28  :       4.03
FP EMULATION        :          25.044  :      12.02  :       2.77
FOURIER             :          5076.3  :       5.77  :       3.24
ASSIGNMENT          :          5.8986  :      22.45  :       5.82
IDEA                :          660.65  :      10.10  :       3.00
HUFFMAN             :          409.06  :      11.34  :       3.62
NEURAL NET          :          7.2976  :      11.72  :       4.93
LU DECOMPOSITION    :          211.56  :      10.96  :       7.91
==========================ORIGINAL BYTEMARK RESULTS==========================
INTEGER INDEX       : 13.409
Baseline (MSDOS*)   : Pentium* 90, 256 KB L2-cache, Watcom* compiler 10.0
==============================LINUX DATA BELOW===============================
CPU                 :
L2 Cache            :
OS                  : FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE
C compiler          : cc
libc                : /lib/
MEMORY INDEX        : 3.448
INTEGER INDEX       : 3.271
Baseline (LINUX)    : AMD K6/233*, 512 KB L2-cache, gcc, libc-5.4.38
* Trademarks are property of their respective holder.

CPU: Intel Pentium III (761.48-MHz 686-class CPU)
real memory  = 134152192 (127 MB)
avail memory = 125820928 (119 MB)

BYTEmark* Native Mode Benchmark ver. 2 (10/95)
Index-split by Andrew D. Balsa (11/97)
Linux/Unix* port by Uwe F. Mayer (12/96,11/97)

TEST                : Iterations/sec.  : Old Index   : New Index
                    :                  : Pentium 90* : AMD K6/233*
NUMERIC SORT        :           449.7  :      11.53  :       3.79
STRING SORT         :          25.294  :      11.30  :       1.75
BITFIELD            :      1.1239e+08  :      19.28  :       4.03
FP EMULATION        :          25.029  :      12.01  :       2.77
FOURIER             :          5076.3  :       5.77  :       3.24
ASSIGNMENT          :          5.8968  :      22.44  :       5.82
IDEA                :          660.65  :      10.10  :       3.00
HUFFMAN             :          408.95  :      11.34  :       3.62
NEURAL NET          :          7.2955  :      11.72  :       4.93
LU DECOMPOSITION    :          210.84  :      10.92  :       7.89
==========================ORIGINAL BYTEMARK RESULTS==========================
INTEGER INDEX       : 13.400
Baseline (MSDOS*)   : Pentium* 90, 256 KB L2-cache, Watcom* compiler 10.0
==============================LINUX DATA BELOW===============================
CPU                 :
L2 Cache            :
OS                  : FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE
C compiler          : cc
libc                : /lib/
MEMORY INDEX        : 3.448
INTEGER INDEX       : 3.268
Baseline (LINUX)    : AMD K6/233*, 512 KB L2-cache, gcc, libc-5.4.38
* Trademarks are property of their respective holder.

Bohdan 'Nexus' Horst

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