nForce 4, SATA Drive only runs at UDMA33?

alan bryan alanbryan1234 at
Mon May 23 12:55:31 PDT 2005

> (manually retyped as the machine locks)
> ...  (lots of those)
> subdisk6: detached
> ad6: detached
> ata2: SATA connect status=00000000
> ata3: SATA connect ready time=0ms

OK, it may not be so much a lock up as I was just a
bit impatient.  After a while it panics with:

Fatal trap 12  Page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address 0x20c

There's a bunch more that I can write down if that
helps.  Maybe I need to take a digital picture of the
screen before it reboots as I'm a slow writer.

Thanks for the help, I'd love to have this thing
running at it's capable speed potential.

This is my main workstation/desktop.  I could update
to -CURRENT if anyone thinks that will solve the disk
speed problem without causing too many more.  (Just do
average desktop stuff like KDE3)  If -CURRENT is in
too much flux right now though maybe I'm better off
with working but slow.

--Alan Bryan

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