fsck_ufs: cannot alloc 647172276 bytes for inoinfo

Don Lewis truckman at FreeBSD.org
Wed May 18 17:12:56 PDT 2005

On 18 May, Einstein Oliveira wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 and I found some messages about a 
> problem like this in freebsd-current a few months ago.
> The fact is that this problem has just ocurred (on 5.4-RELEASE-p1), 
> probably because of a power outage (I didn't find anything in logs that 
> would cause a forced reboot).
> Here is some information:
> [fsck]
> # fsck /usr
> ** /dev/ad0s1f
> ** Last Mounted on /usr
> ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
> fsck_ufs: cannot alloc 647172276 bytes for inoinfo
> [dumpfs]
> # dumpfs /usr
> ....
> cg 11:
> magic   806e54b3        tell    7e584000        time    Fri Nov 26 
> 01:12:38 1943
> cgx     -1312777034     ndblk   -931553057      niblk   -2017999697 
> initiblk -1985690579
> nbfree  2120952272      ndir    831365510       nifree  93179446 
> nffree  -1130132161
> rotor   -541929111      irotor  1807500773      frotor  -1630357508
> frsum   237144368       -1927321463     -1872608999     -481058689 
> 811654083       830922798       -91646688
> sum of frsum: 1537687372
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> I found in the discussion mentioned above
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=195794+200562+/usr/local/www/db/text/2005/freebsd-current/20050417.freebsd-current
> this possible solution:
>> At line 92 in src/sbin/fsck_ffs/pass1.c, you should see the following
>> block of code:
>>         for (c = 0; c < sblock.fs_ncg; c++) {
>>                 inumber = c * sblock.fs_ipg;
>>                 setinodebuf(inumber);
>>                 getblk(&cgblk, cgtod(&sblock, c), sblock.fs_cgsize);
>>                 if (sblock.fs_magic == FS_UFS2_MAGIC)
>>                         inosused = cgrp.cg_initediblk;
>>                 else
>>                         inosused = sblock.fs_ipg;
>> Try changing
>> 	inosused = cgrp.cg_initediblk;
>> to
>> 	inosused = (cgrp.cg_initediblk <= sblock.fs_ipg) ?
>> 	    cgrp.cg_initediblk : sblock.fs_ipg;
> but it doesn't solve the problem.

It turns out that cg_initediblk is signed, and in your case the sign bit
is set, so it is being interpreted as a large negative value.  Try this
change instead:

 	inosused = (cgrp.cg_initediblk <= sblock.fs_ipg && cgrp.cg_initediblk > 0) ?
 	    cgrp.cg_initediblk : sblock.fs_ipg;

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