Alright you primitive screwheads, LISTEN UP!!

J. T. Farmer jfarmer at
Mon May 16 23:19:49 PDT 2005

Jim Thompson wrote:

> On May 16, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Chris wrote:
>> Bill Paul wrote:
>>> Ok everyone, PAY ATTENTION! Drop whatevery your doing for the next
>>> five minutes and READ THIS!!
>>> You see that header on this e-mail? You see the "From:" line? Go and
>>> read it to yourself. Read the name. Say it to yourself, out loud.
>>> No no, go back and do it again.
>>> Again!
>>> You see what is says? It says "Bill Paul." It does 
>>> *********NOT*********
>>> say "Paul Bill," does it now. WELL DOES IT!!?!?!
>>> No, it damn well doesn't! And yet, for some incomprehensible reason.
>>> the majority of you nitwits seem to think it does!!!!!!
>>> Get this through your miserable little heads: my first name is BILL!!!
>>> Understand that? Bill! BEE EYE ELL ELL!!!
>>>               ____    _____   _        _        _   _              
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>>>              | |_) |  _| |_  | |____  | |____  |_| |_|
>>>              |____/  |_____| |______| |______| (_) (_)
>> Dear Paul ...
> No no no.  The walrus was Paul.

I suggest that we make it easy on ourselves and just call him "Bruce."


John T. Farmer            Owner & CTO                GoldSword Systems
jfarmer at     865-691-6498               Knoxville TN
    Consulting, Design, & Development of Networks & Software

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