5.4-RELEASE amd64: Panic isadma_start : bad bounce buffer
Steven Hartland
killing at multiplay.co.uk
Sat May 14 07:18:01 PDT 2005
Just been trying to install FreeBSD 5.4 amd64 here and
when loading the raid control kernel module driver ( hptmv )
from floppy and booting I was getting:
Panic isadma_start : bad bounce buffer
The driver install docs stated to disable ACPI it this happened
this prevented the cards from being detected. Anyway I found
a workaround which is interesting. After loading the module
from floppy I unplugged the floppy drive this seems to fix the
issue, no panic and the controllers detected find ( installing as
we speak ) so is there a problem with floppy access in amd64
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