unionfs limitations?

EirikØverby ltning at anduin.net
Sat May 7 02:51:23 PDT 2005

On 07-05-05 03:19, "George Hartzell" <hartzell at kestrel.alerce.com> wrote:

> Eirik Øverby writes:
>> Hi,
>> I just started playing with mounting ports into jails using unionfs
>> (mount_unionfs -b /usr/ports_jail /usr/local/jails/jail-0/usr/ports), and
>> many things seem to work fine.
>> However, when trying to install either of mysql41-server or mysql41-client,
>> I see the following:
>> [root at mpi1] /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server# make install
>> ===>  Installing for mysql-server-4.1.11_1
>> ===>   mysql-server-4.1.11_1 depends on shared library: mysqlclient.14 -
>> found
>> ===>   Generating temporary packing list
>> ===>  Checking if databases/mysql41-server already installed
>> ln: POSIX: Operation not supported
>> *** Error code 1
>> Stop in /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server.
>> Did I miss out on something, or is this not going to work? Do I need to
>> think in other ways?
>> [...]
> Here's one unionfs/jail gotcha that's bitten me a couple of times.  If
> you actually *use* (or, have used) the ports directory to build and
> install stuff onto the "host" machine, the ports infrastructure in the
> jail gets kind of confused.  It seems to be checking for the files in
> the dependencies, doesn't find them, goes to make them, and then
> [depending on what state the relevant port directory is in], things
> get "odd".

I noticed that pretty early on, yea ;)
> I've started just using a virgin ports tree as the underpinnings for
> my unionfs'ed jails.

Same here..
> Is there any chance that you've installed mysql-server on the host?

Indeed I have, but not from that ports tree. What I did was create myself a
"template" jail, containing all the base stuff plus some essential ports
(perl and stuff). Then I unionfs-mount this one into all of my jails, and
customize them at will.

Weird thing happened this morning though, suddenly the box seemed half-dead.
I didn't touch it, someone else noticed because they weren't able to ssh in.
TCP connection established, but no auth phase.
I also noticed in my active ssh sessions, that things were "dead", in the
sense that when on the shell prompt, pressing ENTER only gave me a new,
blank line. Logging in via serial console didn't work either, put in
username and press ENTER and nothing happened.
Best thing was when I tried to enter the debugger, it started spewing huge
amounts of crap at me, to a point where I simply had to yank the power (i
have remote power sockets, a blessing! ;).
Not sure if this was unionfs related, but I'm on 5.4 as of a couple of days
ago, so it is entirely possible there's something else weird up.

Am I being too much of an optimist, hoping that my unionfs approach will
work? The POSIX issue still stands, though.


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