FreeBSD MySQL still WAY slower than Linux

Greg Barniskis nalists at
Fri Jun 17 16:14:46 GMT 2005

Matthias Buelow wrote:
> Greg Barniskis <nalists at> writes:
>>that async provides fast writes at the cost of "no guarantee at all 
>>for a consistent state of the filesystem". So, you choose: fast but 
>>not so reliable writes, or slower writes with fast, reliable 
>>disaster recovery.
>>Thanks to the FreeBSD team for choosing the sensible default, even 
>>if it results in the occasional "Linux is faster!" debate. Dang 
>>smirky penguins... you're flightless I tell ya, flightless. =)
> Is CentOS using ext2? I thought everyone moved to ext3 already, which
> provides nearly the speed of ext2+async but is safe due to its journal.
> If you make such comparisons, please use current technology, and not
> the status quo of 5 years ago.

OK, my bad. I did not do thorough research, just enough to satisfy 
my curiosity. If ext3 does well and safely, then more power to 'em. 
Anyway, sorry, what I wrote was not intended to be flame bait, just 
blowing off a little steam. I'll go crawl back under my rock now.

However, I stand by the assertion that a slow, certain default is 
better than a fast, uncertain one. That async was ever the Linux 
default is troubling (to me), and I've got plenty other reasons to 
prefer BSD over Linux (which is why I didn't do thorough research in 
the first place -- no interest at all in migrating, even if there's 
a database speed boost).

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at>, (608) 266-6348

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