Apache2 just listening to https?

Uzi Klein uzi at bmby.com
Thu Jul 28 15:57:53 GMT 2005

Roger Grosswiler wrote:
>>>>yes, i am. because now, i can access port 80 from my internal network -
>>>>but not from the external. but even if a firewall is installed, i have
>>>>just one nic installed and i make no difference from the source. Perhaps,
>>>>my apache doesn't listen alright...i don't know.
>>If it works on the internal network, Apache is listening on port 80.
>>Make sure the server gets the request from the external network.
>>It could be a routing/NAT/firewall issue.
> but, why is port 443 responding? this port is configured the same way as
> port 80 on the firewall and on the router.
> ..however, i think you are right. gonne do some more research.

Just a wild guess... maybe you your router/firewall has a web interface 
listening on port 80 on external network or a rule blocking port 80 
overriding your config?

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