SATA support in 5.x ... ?

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Thu Jul 7 15:50:35 GMT 2005

"Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy at> writes:

>How stable is it right now?  I was talking with a friend yesterday about 
>it, and he mentioned something about 3 re-write of the code over 2 
>releases, and that each one wasn't backwards compatible with the other, so 
>you ended up with corrupted file systems ...

I'm running on an ICH6 controller (no RAID) with a Seagate disk and
don't have any problems, except frequent ATA timeouts at boot (only at
boot, before mounting the root fs) but that appeared only after I
updated to 5.4-STABLE on June 21 (never seen it before with 5.4-RELEASE
or 5.4-STABLE before that date). Once it sucessfully managed to mount
its root fs (typically about every 2nd boot attempt), I see no further

>I'm looking at upgrading my only SATA server to 5.x, since the 4.x that is 
>currently running on it is getting hangs whenever load is put onto the 
>drives :(

If you have a server with IDE or SATA, you might also be interested in
the write barrier thread that's going on on -questions.


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