UPDATE2: ATA mkIII first official patches - please test!

Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu Feb 17 11:52:51 PST 2005

> atadisk.ko and atapicd.ko still do not depend on atapci.ko.  So if you
> don't ask to load atapci.ko in loader.conf you will get a panic
> because the kernel won't find the root fs.  I added MODULE_DEPEND() on
> atapci macro to ata-disk.c and this solved the problem.  Perhaps this
> is just a feature.

MODULE_DEPEND should only be there when when there's a link time
dependency between modles.  If you were to add the atapci.ko as a
depend, then you destroy the ability to boot on machines that don't
have a pci bus in the kernel....


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