no dump, not enough free space on device

ThomasNyström thn at
Tue Apr 19 08:10:47 PDT 2005

Citerar Randy Bush <randy at>:
> stable of march 7, but this has been a long-term problem on
> this system
> system has 1g of real memory
> real memory  = 1073217536 (1023 MB)
> avail memory = 1044914176 (996 MB)
> 2g of swap
> # swapinfo
> Device          1024-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
> /dev/twed0s1b       2097152     1428  2095724     0%
> has it set up to save disk flowers
> dumpdev="/dev/twed0s1b" # Device name to crashdump to (or NO).
> dumpdir="/var/crash"    # Directory where crash dumps are to be stored

How about free space on /var/crash?


Svensk Aktuell Elektronik AB                     Thomas Nyström
Box 10                                    Phone: +46 8 35 92 85
S-191 21  Sollentuna                        Fax: +46 8 35 92 86
Sweden                                      Email: thn at

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