Cannot install 5.3 on tyan tiger 133

Mark Kirkwood markir at
Mon Nov 29 12:07:07 PST 2004

Chris Wall wrote:

> Yes, I first upgraded from 5.2, then I did a fresh install from the 
> 5.3-RELEASE CDs and didn't experence a problem on either method.  I 
> also have a Tyan 230T that was talked about in this thread that didn't 
> give me any problems either.  Now all I run on this server is a web 
> site, so it is base install plus Apache, PHP, etc. - no X or 
> desktops.  I remember that there were two types of Tiger 133's one 
> with ISA and one without (mine is without ISA slot).
> Chris

My 133 is the same (S1834D - printing on the board for an ISA but no 
actual slot). What revision is your board?

After reading of your experiences, the following scenarios suggest 

- Booting from cd with the Promise TX2000 Raid card removed
- Booting from cd with 1 cpu removed (with or without the TX2000)
- (Assuming some of the above work) Moving the TX2000 to a different PCI 
slot and booting

I will let you know how I get on.

In the meantime, here is a dmesg output from when 4.10 was installed:

and output from mptable :

(Thanks to Gregor Bittel for maintaining such an handy list!)



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