why was /etc/defaults/make.conf not updated

Michael Schuh michael.schuh at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 10:37:24 PST 2004


ich have found an entry in /usr/local/ports/UPDATING, that the
Variable XFREE_VERSION in /etc/make.conf was outdated and changed.
So we shall use X_WINDOW_SYSTEM=xorg.

I have searched an representing entry in /usr/src/etc/defaults/make.conf,
and it is not shown. Now i have also shown that the XFree4.4-ports are marked
as IGNORE. And i questioning me self why is the /etc/defaults/make.conf
not changed. I have already read that the change should coming.

Is this the right sign to change to Xorg's XFree?

Has anyone an information when this come true, or when the change was
maked in /usr/src/etc/defaults/make.conf?

The reason to change to Xorg is clearly for me, may not why the
defaults/make.conf isn't already changed.

Thanks to all and
best regards


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