ftp.perl.org strangeness

Ask Bjørn Hansen ask at develooper.com
Mon Mar 22 05:24:28 PST 2004

On Mar 15, 2004, at 11:55 PM, Dave Hart wrote:

(Dave, I'm not subscribed to freebsd-stable currently - if the list 
isn't open for non-subscribers and you find it appropriate can you 
forward this mail there?)

> I've run across this issue with a few websites in the last 18 months.
> It might help to ask if they're using a "load balancer" on
> ddns5.develooper.com (the nameserver for ddns.develooper.com which is
> the zone containing ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com which is CNAMEd from
> ftp.perl.org).

Yes indeed, it is using a "load balancer"[1].  The old code was a 
several years old quick hack on ancient ancient code.  I re-implemented 
it this sunday and got rid of the AAAA -> nxdomain bug.

There's still a nameserver running with the old code.  If the new code 
doesn't exhibit any problems in the next day or two I'll upgrade the 
last old one too.

The new code is running on ns2.geo.bitnames.com if you want to look the 
responses over.

	dig ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com @ns2.geo.bitnames.com
	dig -t aaaa ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com @ns2.geo.bitnames.com

(thanks to Dave Hart, Mark Andrews and Vivek Khera for making me aware 
of this thread).

  - ask

[1] it returns a mirror in your country if available.


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