HowTo Implement This..LOAD BALANCE..

apache freebsdkid at
Thu Mar 18 05:43:30 PST 2004

     here, I wanna use the freebsd the balance the load of=
I have two server.One is (SERVER-B)windows 2003 Enterprise=
 Version.the other is(SERVER-A) FreeBSD4.9-stable. the two is=
 providing the MP3 stream to the client.
    Can I Use the IpFw or IPFLITER to implement the" HTTP REQUEST=
 redirect", that is ,when client subscribe some request like:
I wanna this is request si redirect to 
in order to decrease  the load of server-A
but the other requests should  not be redirected,servered by=

Here I have implement this using the apache's modules=
 "mod_rewrite",but I think it is not more
efficient. because ,when I do "netstat -n " there si so much tcp=
 connectting with state "TIME_WAIT",as this ,When I increase the=
 " MaxClients "in the httpd.conf ,when I do some other
programme like"FTP,/usr/local/apache2/bin/ab ",I got an=
 error"Socket:no buffer space available",
How can I avoid this ?

How can I make the freebsd more powerfull?
Thanks for your kindly reply.




=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1freebsdkid at

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