building CURRENT release on STABLE box

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Wed Mar 17 23:34:53 PST 2004

On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 04:10:56AM +0000, Colin Percival wrote:
> At 04:08 18/03/2004, Igor Pokrovsky wrote:
> >I would like to to try building CURRENT release on STABLE (i386) box.
> >Is it technically possible? If so, are there any caveats awaiting me?
>   Not possible.  The release-building code needs to chroot into the
> -CURRENT world, and that will fail if you're not running a -CURRENT
> kernel.
Actually, it should be well possible.  No, you don't need to chroot
into the -CURRENT world.  Instead, a chroot is populated by a copy
of your running world (4.9-STABLE).

Then snapshot building of -CURRENT looks pretty like you'd do a cross
build of the -CURRENT world (actually, it does just that as the first
step) plus a few additional steps, the most entertaining of them is
creating bootable floppies.

I haven't checked it for a while (will do it shortly), but it was
possible last year, and src/release/scripts/ still has support
for 4.x.

Ruslan Ermilov
FreeBSD committer
ru at
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