ftp.perl.org strangeness

David Taylor davidt at yadt.co.uk
Tue Mar 16 08:59:41 PST 2004

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Nora Etukudo wrote:

> Am 16. März 2004 um 07:57:07 +0000 schrieb David Malone:
> > The nameserver for ftp.perl.com has a problem when asked for any
> > records other than A (ie. an IPv4 address). When asked for any other
> > type of record, it returns NXDOMAIN, and this means "ftp.perl.com"
> Asking for MX and TXT works:
> # host -t TXT ftp.perl.org
> ftp.perl.org is an alias for ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com.
> ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com text "serviced by cpan.noris.de."
> # host -t MX ftp.perl.org
> ftp.perl.org is an alias for ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com.
> ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com mail is handled by 10 miette.develooper.com.
> ftp.cpan.ddns.develooper.com mail is handled by 11 relaybackup.netcetera.dk.

And asking for 'ANY' returns the various A, TXT and MX records..

It seems someone didn't understand the meaning of 'NXDOMAIN' when they
were writing the software, and returns that when there are no records of
the requested type, instead of only when there are no records of _any_
type for that domain -- i.e. there is no such domain...

David Taylor
davidt at yadt.co.uk
"The future just ain't what it used to be"

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