unexpected softupdate inconsistency

Manfred Lotz manfred.lotz at web.de
Wed Mar 10 00:09:15 PST 2004

Hi there,
System is FreeBSD 4.9 Stable

Had a problem during a portupgrade that when portupgrade did some
cleaning a directory could not be deleted because it were not empty.
However, it was empty. rm -rf didn't help either.

Because I didn't know what to do I decided to boot.

At system startup fsck was started which produced the message: unexpected
softupdate inconsistency and also that some blocks could not be written
to. At the end fsck said: filesystem still dirty and I should run fsck
manually which I did but without any success.

After that I rebooted from CD and did two backups of the filesystem using
dump and tar. Both commands complained at the locations where the file
system was corrupt but the backup went fine besides that.

I checked for hardware errors by running
	dd if=/dev/ad0s1g of=/dev/null bs=32k 
Ran fine without any complains.

After recreating the filesystem with newfs and restoring the data I'm fine
for now.

I should mention that I did not find any related messages in

However, I'm really worried. Is there anybody I could do???


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