Does FreeBSD 4.9-stable have support for Unex MD010C NIC

Clement Laforet sheepkiller at
Fri Mar 5 10:02:05 PST 2004

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 17:23:18 +0100 (CET)
Trond Endrestøl <trond at> wrote:

> This is probably the wrong list for this sort of question, but I'll
> give it a go anyway.
> The subject line says it all I guess.
> Or does anyone know if similar NICs are supported by some driver in
> FreeBSD 4.9-stable?

Unex MD010C is a 32bits cardbus card, AFAIK, cardbus support hasn't been
backported. I started using -current on my laptop the day I received this 

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