Linux emulation, rc.d and SIGHUP

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Thu Mar 4 07:06:55 PST 2004

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 04:57:33PM +0200, Dmitry Pryanishnikov wrote:

> > ktrace(1) show that it receives SIGHUP in the latter case.
> > Is it a bug in the Linux emulation? If not, how can I avoid this SIGHUP?
>  No, native applications (for example, shell scripts) will also receive SIGHUP
> at the end of boot process if they don't daemonize themself (note that going
> to background != daemon(3)). Fortunately, we have daemon(8) utility now. So
> I've replaced '/etc/ppp/start &' with 'daemon /etc/ppp/start' everywhere to
> get rid of this annoying SIGHUPs.

Thank you very much! It works.


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