Standard sbc and pcm support in GENERIC kernel?

Cordula's Web cpghost at
Wed Mar 3 09:09:36 PST 2004

[jorn at]
> I've been on the question list for some time, and I have noticed that
> many people do not know how to get sound support up and running in
> FreeBSD 5.X. I know that re-compiling the kernel is easy enough, but
> there are still people not willing to do so, as I have noticed on the
> list. Therefor I thought it might be an idea to put sound support in the
> GENERIC kernel configuration, so that newbies will no longer find
> themselves stuck with that.

Yes, it would be great to have this in GENERIC,
since it is a major annoyance for x86 desktop users.

An alternative would be a knob in /etc/rc.conf
which would invoke "kldload snd" (or whatever).

Cordula's Web.

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